Leila Nazari

Leila Nazari

Leila Nazari is an accomplished writer and English consultant, born in Iran. She is currently serving as an author and the English consultant for FlytoTreat. With a passion for healthcare and a talent for writing, Leila has written over 300 medical articles to date, covering a wide range of topics such as healthcare policies, medical procedures, and healthcare technology. Leila holds a Bachelor's degree in English Literature and Master’s degree in English teaching Methodology. She has also completed various professional development courses in medical writing under the observation of related specialists.


What is Surrogacy? The Procedure, Regulations, Religious attitudes and Costs

Surrogacy is one of the assisted reproductive technologies that involves another woman carrying the baby for someone else. Women who do not have a suitable uterine environment to grow the fetus can use surrogacy.


PGD and PGS procedures; Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis & Screening

Both PGD and PGS are laboratory procedures designed to test embryos prior to implantation in order to reduce the chance of having a child affected by genetic disorders. Genetic screening has saved many couples (especially those who are related) from having a child with birth defects.


IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) in Ukraine

In addition to the high technological reproductive facilities available in Ukraine, foreigners have a financial interest in receiving services of IVF in Ukraine, because the costs are much lower than in other western countries while the level of treatment is excellent.


Kidney Transplant in Iran for Foreigners

Kidney transplant in Iran is a popular surgery that attracts many renal failure patients to Iran due to many reasons. Iran has the first place regarding the quality and success of renal transplants in the Middle East.


Egg Donation in Ukraine

Egg donation in Ukraine is a popular fertility treatment, which has attracted many patients to this country


Is Iran Good for IVF?

IVF in Iran is a well-known medical service that has been practiced since 1990. Many couples from all around the world have visited Iran for treating infertility problems in advanced medical centers of Iran.


IVF + Gender Selection in Iran

Couples can even choose their offspring’s gender through IVF + gender selection. This is not a dream but it is a reality of modern assisted reproduction.


Rhinoplasty in Iran

In recent decades, Rhinoplasty in Iran has been one of the most common reasons for international patients to travel to this country, which occurs for various reasons such as the presence of skilled and experienced Iranian surgeons and very reasonable treatment prices.


Is Turkey Good for IVF Treatment?

Turkey is one of the leading countries in the Middle East, which professionally offers IVF services to local and international people. IVF in Turkey is conducted in over 140 clinics.


Does gastric sleeve surgery have side effects?
